Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why You Should (and How to) Make A New Year's Resolution

With the New Year upon us, I'm sure a lot of you are considering and probably also scorning the idea of making a New Year's Resolution for 2014. I'm here to tell you that you should do it. But first, you should change the way you think about it.

As you probably know if you are reading this at all, a year and a half ago I created a "25 for 25" list for myself, of 25 things I wanted to do while I was 25. And as you also probably know, I consider it one of the best things I ever did for myself. I created another list when I turned 26 this May.

The difference between these lists and a traditional New Year's Resolution is that my intent is not to change or better myself. I am not focusing on habits that I want to get rid of or fixing things that I don't like about myself.

I am focusing on making each year, each day, each minute the best that it can be.

Instead of focusing on abstract ideas, I am focusing on real, tangible, achievable goals that I write down, and then (mostly) check off.

So, do this for yourself.

What's something that you would love to achieve for yourself next year? Something that will challenge you, but that you can totally achieve if you put your mind to it? Maybe something that you will impress everyone, including yourself, by doing? Something that will make you look back on 2014 and say, "That was the year I did ______."

2013 was the year I visited Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas all for the first time. It was the year I got my first commissioned work of poetry published. It was the year I reached 5,000 views on this blog.

Next year I'll get married, that will be a big one. But I'll also write one work of fiction, from beginning to end. I'll read a few more books on my endless list (11 to go, to be exact). With your help I'll reach 10,000 views on this blog.

I'll volunteer, I'll cook, and I'll continue to do yoga, because I love all of those things. I'll thank myself for creating and then completing the challenge. Or, I'll forgive myself for leaving one or two things on the list without a check mark. I'll note it, and I'll move on to the next day.

Do this for 2014, and you'll be amazed at how time ceases to slip between your fingers. Take hold of the year! Make it one for the record books!

Okay, I'm done preaching. What do I know, anyway, at 26? But I do hope you'll take my advice, in whatever form that advice may resonate with and or work for you. Here are some ideas to get you rolling:

1. Read a book. ONE book. Finish it. Slam it shut. Reward yourself.
2. Try a new restaurant. Just one, or one a month, or once every meal. Or just turn off the TV while you eat. You may realize you actually enjoy the taste of food.
3. Take a class. Whether its yoga or cake decorating, focusing on nothing but your own personal growth for a length of time will help you remember what it is you're passionate about.
4. Do something that scares you. Take a bus somewhere, by yourself. Pick up a spider and let him outside instead of squishing him. Jump out of an airplane. Whatever it is, you'll probably feel horrible right before doing it and then great right after. It's addicting.
5. Do something for someone else. I made a point to start volunteering with the list. Volunteer your time to any cause you are passionate about. Or just make a point to spend more time with your family, or be nicer to people you see every day. You'll feel better about yourself without even realizing why.

I'm excited for 2014 and I hope you are too! I hope to hear all about your resolutions and look forward to sharing my own successes (and failures) in the year to come. Happy New Year!

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