Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Name Is Inigo Montoya. Prepare to Fall in Love with Me.

(#17) Watch 25 Classic Movies

1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
2. A Streetcar Named Desire
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Some Like it Hot
5. The Terminator
6.  Terminator 2: Judgement Day
7. The Princess Bride

Some movies are so beloved by others that if you haven't seen them you come to hate the incessant quoting of them. The Princess Bride was one of those movies for me. I wasn't able to fall in love with it this late in life, but I did discover why people enjoy it.

First of all, I didn't realize that the premise was a boy being read a book which contained the actual movie (a la The NeverEnding Story) and quite enjoyed that the little boy was home sick from school just as I was home sick from work and watching. I also enjoy the irony of a movie which attempts to get kids exited about reading.

Throughout the movie I had a nagging feeling of deja vu, that perhaps I had already seen it. I'm sure I've seen clips here and there, but I think the feeling was coming from the prevalence of quotes that the movie has injected into pop culture.

For example: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Which is also ironic because I think I may have actually used that quote before without knowing what it meant.

Also in general there are some excellent one-liners throughout the movie. Such as: "Please consider me as an alternative to suicide."

Other than punchy and quotable language, the real star of the movie is of course Inigo Montoya. I honestly could have cared less what happened to Buttercup and Westley. She was weak and a little bitchy, and he was in love with a woman who spent years treating him poorly. Also of course he only comes back from pirating when he hears that she has moved on. Typical man.

But Inigo Montoya, now there is a hero. Strong and masculine while still being soft spoken, sensitive, and passionate. Wholly dedicated to his honorable mission of avenging his father, but willing to help a few others along the way. A skilled swordsman, yet secure enough in himself to appreciate the talent in others. Rocking an epic mullet.


 This was the only storyline that I was truly invested in. So I couldn't have been happier with the epic conclusion to his quest.

I'd consider watching it again if we could only edit out all those gross kissing parts.


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