Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Yoga Pants Aren't Just a Fashion Statement

(#4) Take a yoga class


I love yoga. There, I said it. Yoga is my "thing."

Running makes me wheeze. I'm not competitive enough to enjoy sports. I never thought I would find a workout that I actually enjoyed. Not like, I enjoy-that-I-feel-accomplished-because-I-worked-out enjoyed. Like, actually enjoy doing it while I am doing it. Enjoy learning about it. Enjoy improving. Look forward to doing it.

Do it every day? No. But working on that part.

I have dabbled in yoga since college, mostly through fitness videos and Wii Fit games. But I had never taken a class, so I wanted to experience that to truly test my yogi-dom.

My favorite yoga instructor, Bethenny Frankel: Body By Bethenny
Taking a yoga class is different from doing a yoga DVD for one main reason- the focus. The focus of the yoga DVDs I had been working from was fitness. The focus of a yoga class (the one I took anyway), conversely, is yoga. Fitness comes as a bonus. This has been one of the most beneficial lessons I learned by taking a class. Because working out to lose weight or stay fit can be an overwhelming goal. But doing yoga is just something that I like to do.

Yoga instructors can also be a little more eccentric than your average fitness instructors. But in a good way.

I took a class with a small company called YourCore Pilates. I found this class through a Groupon. At $5 a class I had no excuse not to go (and the expiration date was also a good motivator).

The class took place first in a karate studio and later in a child's daycare center. With a children's music class next door, we learned a lot about focus and about gratitude while trying to do poses to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus."

In fact there were a lot of humorous juxtapositions throughout the class. It is hard to be at peace and connect with yourself while you are drenched in sweat and holding one leg over your head. I tend to connect more with not falling on my face. Maybe more skilled yogis do not experience this issue.

Along with a whole repertoire of new poses, another thing I learned from yoga class that I did not learn from DVDs was taking time for savasana. When yoga is a workout, you don't really see the value in laying on your back for five minutes. But final relaxation pose is actually very important because it gives you the time to  reconnect with your body and realize, "Hey, I just did something really good for myself, and I feel really good about it." I was amazed at how much I was actually transported, even in a room with a bunch of strangers and with kids singing in the background.

As an asthmatic, it also allowed me to concentrate on expanding my breathing, and I surprised myself with how deeply I was able to inhale when I really tried.

Though I only took five classes, I was able to apply the lessons I learned to my daily (well...semi-daily) practice. I realized that I had probably earned yogi status when I noticed that my mat was so worn that pieces were coming off and sticking to my yoga pants.

You've served me well, but I think I have earned a new mat. 
Really anyone can handle yoga, because you are working with the weight and strength of your own body, and at your own pace. You can even handle taking a class. Most will have a note like "beginner" or "advanced," and I'm sure every instructor (like mine) will tell you to do only what you feel you can do. But also challenge yourself, just a little.

Of course, just because you can do it doesn't mean you will enjoy it like I did. So my advice is: give it a try, and if you don't like it try something else.

Then when you're done, write about it!