Thursday, August 29, 2013

How the List Kept Me Writing

(#6) Submit 3 pieces of writing for publication
(#15) Write 200 words per day


This year this blog re-invigorated not only my passion for writing but also my writing habit. As Stephen Pressfield taught me, half the battle of becoming a writer is just sitting down to write. Having something to write about and knowing that people would be reading it has really inspired me to keep going. So thank you!

Reading more is another great thing that a writer can do for herself, so the blog has helped me with that too. I highly encourage excessive and engorging reading as inspiration for any aspiring writer.

As far as 200 words per day, a lot of them came in the form of blog entries- over 80 entries in one year! I need to be better about literally writing every single day, but I definitely achieved an average of 200 words per day.

I have gotten back into some fiction and poetry as well, though I plan on making this more of a focus next year. For exclusivity reasons I can’t share the three pieces that I submitted. But I submitted one poem to a website called Every Day Poets and I'm happy to say that they accepted! They even paid me $1 so I am officially a professional writer. You can find the poem at:

Feel free to leave me some comments and ratings! Lets crash the site!

Again, thank you all for sticking with me. I hope to be able to share not only more blog posts but also more fiction and poetry with you in the coming year. And I hope to be better about blogging and not leave it all until the week before my birthday.

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