Thursday, March 7, 2013

Staci & Ferris's Day Off

(#17) Watch 25 Classic Movies

1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
2. A Streetcar Named Desire
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Some Like it Hot
5. The Terminator
6. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
7. The Princess Bride
8. Ben-Hur
9. Ferris Bueller's Day Off 

I watched this movie on my half snow day caused by Snowquester, and it was hard not to compare Ferris's day off to my own.

Ferris: Taking the city of Chicago by storm. Me: Doing a puzzle in my living room while watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off. 

Ferris: Stealing a reservation at a fancy French restaurant by pretending to be the King of Sausage. Me: Hot chocolate and half a frozen pizza in my pajamas.

Ferris: Developing a fake illness so convincing that the town sets up a fund to buy him a kidney. Me: Driving an hour to work in the snow even though I will only be there for two hours because I feel too guilty to call in sick.

I guess you can't compare yourself to Ferris Bueller though. That was the mistake that his sister made, after all. You just have to accept him and enjoy the ride.

I think it is Ferris's attitude that made his day so awesome anyway. Ferris is literally never bored. He has fun while taking a shower.

Carpe diem is basically Ferris's motto. Or in his own words: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

That's what everyone loves about Ferris, and that is why he gets away with everything. It's quite inspiring.

As I mentioned in my review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, pretty much everything in pop culture (and, let's be honest, life) can be explained by how it relates to the Simpsons. In season 5 there is an episode called "The Boy Who Knew too Much" in which Bart plays hookie and Skinner doggedly pursues him all day.

Sound familiar?

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