Friday, May 25, 2012

The Inspiration

So I turned the big 2-5 this year. To me, 25 sounds...well, old. It's a quarter of a century. It's so deep into your twenties that you can't even see your teens anymore. It's three years beyond college graduation. You're no longer part of the 18-24 year-old demographic whose business all of consumerist America is coveting. 

But, to most of the people around me and most of the universe, 25 is young. It's the perfect age- far from 30, but old enough that you've established yourself a little in the world. You're not a kid and (for me anyway) not ready to have kids of your own. People look at me like they wish they were turning 25. 

What we can all agree on is that 25 is a milestone. So why am I not freaking out, as I've been known to do on lesser birthdays/life changes? Because I've got a plan. 

It started with my new job. I'll be starting on Tuesday, just a week after my 25th birthday. I figured this was a sign. I'm starting out the year with a big change, accomplishing something. Making 25 count. 

So, I thought to myself, why stop there?

That's when I came up with the list. 25 things I want to have accomplished  by the time I'm 26. 25 ways to ensure that this is the best year it can be.   

Don't expect me to be doing anything TOO crazy- bungee jumping, curing cancer, going on an African safari...I'm trying to be realistic. I'm only 25, after all. I have financial limitations. And, with a new job, I can't take too much time off.

Of course, your list, whatever your age, would be totally different than mine. These are the things that I love to do and things that I want to accomplish and a lot of them probably seem odd or mundane to some of you. But I know that if, at 26, I see a list with 25 check marks, I'll be happy with how I've spent my time. 

And, I hope, my modest adventures can provide you with some entertainment along the way. 

Good news- I can already check off #9- starting a blog. 


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